When booking a place to stay for your vacation, it is somewhat instinctual to consider a hotel first. However, there are other options! When searching for Bald Head Island rentals, there are several reasons to book a private house versus a hotel room.
Enjoy More Privacy
No matter which one you choose, a hotel is going to be filled with hundreds of other guests. If you book a hotel, you will have to fight for parking, navigate the breakfast buffet, and make awkward elevator conversation with these guests each day. Booking a rental home allows you to return to the peace and quiet of your own private sanctuary each evening — and saves you from having to circle for a parking spot.
Access To a Kitchen
While most people likely don’t want to spend their vacation cooking, access to a private kitchen cannot be overstated. Cooking even just a few of your own meals will help save money, and it will be nice to have some snacks on hand. There will also be those inevitable days when you don’t feel like leaving the comfort of your rental home, particularly if it’s raining or if you come down with an unfortunate cold. With a kitchen inside your rental, you won’t have to!
Additional Perks
Many rental homes will allow you access to far more than just their property. Owners will often be happy to hook you up at the local country club or gym, granting you access to things like tennis courts or special restaurants. This will bring you even greater comfort and allow you to fully take advantage of the area you’re staying in!
When it comes time to book your next vacation, consider choosing a private rental home! The privacy and perks you’ll enjoy will have you swearing off any future stays in hotels.